Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Project 06


  1. A1: I think the fifth picture is the most striking one to me. It is labeled as optical mix but I think it also applies the complementary color concept by using orange and blue. The blue strip background is very strong but it does not affect the forground. The pale orange works very well with this background. Also, I like how it keeps the black tracing.

    A2: I think the third one is the least striking to me. The color of back ground is a little bit distracting. The blue in background is close to the forground color.

    A3: Overall, it flows very continuously. Blue and orange is mainly used color and they work very well. The first page has very strong orange but in the end the orange is pretty desaturated, which is very interesting.

  2. Hi Nick this is a test comment.

  3. A1: I think the most visually striking of your pages is the first page. It is the most visually appealing, and I feel like you captured the colors really well.
    A2: The least visually striking is the 5th page. There's not really much going on, except for the optical mix on the wall.
    A3: I definitely see a flow when it comes to form. Maybe not so much in the first one, but the form seems like it starts in the second page. As far as color, you seem to stick with orange, blue, and violet. In the beginning there's a lot of orange, which fades out and switches to there being a lot of purple instead.

  4. A1: I like the 6th picture most. The colors, blue and orange well match the time. Moreover, you left the window black, which can make the sky and the tree more stands out.

    A2: The forth one seems too simple. you only applied color on the table and the background. If you also applied a different value of blue on the controller, the whole image would more achieve monochromatic concept.

    A3: The book flows very well from page2 to page7. I can easily figure out the shape that you used. However, from page1 to page2, the shape is a little ambiguous.
